Nick Grinlinton

GuitaristComposerEducatorAspiring Runner


Having taught guitar lessons since his high school days, Nick has worked in multiple settings including one-on-one coaching sessions, group lessons and masterclasses. Currently, Nick extends out from solely teaching guitar to offering clinics on music theory, improvisation, ensemble performance and composition via masterclasses. In 2011, he began writing an assortment of articles on music education in his blog, “Musings. Having taught children and adults, Nick is passionate about sharing many great lessons he has received thus far in his career.

For more information to book Nick for a masterclass or a residency, please see the contact page.

Nick Grinlinton plays guitar

Latest Musings

  • My Ten-Year Running Anniversary

    June 4th, 2024

    Ten years ago, I started my running journey off a bet. Although I had jogged occasionally during my time as a student in Kansas City and a few years prior while living in Harlem, June 2014 marks my beginning. While I wrote about my running origins a few years ago on my Musings blog, I […]

    The post My Ten-Year Running Anniversary appeared first on Nick Grinlinton's Musings.

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  • Journey to a 1:13 Half Marathon in Brooklyn

    May 19th, 2024

    At 3:30 am, I woke up with confidence and felt that I would set a personal record in the half-marathon. I set my last personal best for the 13.1 mile distance on the old NYC Half Marathon course during my preparation for the 2017 Boston Marathon. I achieved the 1:15:39 PR right before the birth […]

    The post Journey to a 1:13 Half Marathon in Brooklyn appeared first on Nick Grinlinton's Musings.

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  • Six Simple Details to Improve Running

    January 3rd, 2024

    Runners tend to focus most on improving race times and fitness. However, many disregard simple details that yield significant improvements to our health and well-being. Here is a list of six actions, which have nothing to do with actual training, yet will help optimize a training program. 1.) Skin care: Put sunscreen on before outdoor […]

    The post Six Simple Details to Improve Running appeared first on Nick Grinlinton's Musings.

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  • How I Improved as a Runner in 2023

    November 16th, 2023

    I will always remember 2023 as the year I made subtle, yet important improvements to progress as a runner. Past year’s experiences and study helped bring to fruition a well-designed training program. Simplicity and balance were the key ingredients to helping me improve in an organic way. Also, the acceptance of responsibility, both on and […]

    The post How I Improved as a Runner in 2023 appeared first on Nick Grinlinton's Musings.

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